martes, 24 de junio de 2008

Head over feet

I've never felt this healthy before, I've never wanted something rational.
I am aware now.. I am aware now.

Sister Saviour

Can you feel it? Sister Savior. Drawing you into the club.
Sister Savior's, past behavior, has me falling in love

Hey-ey-ey-ey. Sister Savior Hey-ey-ey-ey
Catholic lover, why'd you leave me
For the good life?
At least our bad times, were ours!

Last night i had a dream, a warm field strawberries and cream,
a poor man wearing rusty mail with contentment plastered on his face
He was sipping from a bottle, on his forehead read the motto
"If I drink myself to death,
At least I'll know i had a good time"

One last late night, Sister Savior. Before its too late..

Hey-ey-ey-ey. Sister Savior Hey-ey-ey-ey
You know i love her,
Please belive me
This is the good life
And no more bad times could be ours

sábado, 21 de junio de 2008

Patada Murguera!

Strip away the layers and reveal your soul, you gotta give yourself up and then you become hole. You're a slave to yourself and you don't even know.
You want to live the fast life but your brain moves slow. If you're trying to stay high you're bound to stay low, if you're already there then there's nowhere to go, if you're cup's already full then its bound to overflow! ♪

Murga en Cabildo y Juramento, Buenos Aires
Fotografía b&n, copiado manual en Ilford 24x30

viernes, 20 de junio de 2008

Aquel que hace una bestia de sí mismo, se libra del dolor de ser un hombre

  • Y eso que es tan fácil, no me gusta, dudo. Tiene mala base, si lo toco cae a cero.Sé que da patada pero igual meto los dedos, sé que es la carnada y me tiento a morder.Sé, la caída es dura, sé, la salida es nula, se, que de algún lado una soga va a gritar.Y sé, con la misma soga puedo ahorcarme o saltar al otro lado y algo va a pasar!
    Eso espero, eso espero!
    ¿Qué hay del otro lado? ¿Qué hay después de estar en cero?Salgo, pelo, garras. Quiero llegar al extremo,sé que es arriesgado, igual hecho leña al fuego.
    Tiro un solo dadoy esta vuelta saco seis.
[Foto en San Telmo, copiado manual en Ilford 18x24]